Thursday, May 14, 2015

Bout of Books read-a-thon Days 1-4 Update

Bout of Books

Here is how I'm doing over halfway through the read-a-thon! I always get really back into reading at the end of the school year, the past two years it really started in June but this year it's started a month early! Okay so I'm not reading a book a day (like I did in last year's annual BookTube-a-Thon ;) but I'm over halfway done with my goal, 64% way done to be exact, according to Goodreads. Here's my update:

Pages read: 253
Books finished: 0

So I'm on page 239 of I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson and it's soo wonderful, such a great book so far!! We also stared a new book in English class today and I got to read 14 pages of that.

Fahrenheit 451! I haven't read many classics because I'm always worried we're going to have to read them in class and having already read what we're going over will make class even more boring, lol. But anyways this book is pretty fucking weird so far, but at least it's not slow paced, if not confusing as hell. I hope I enjoy it though! Definitely won't be finishing it this week since it's an in-class read.

Okay that's all, hope to update again soon!!! (I'm pretty happy today if you couldn't tell by the explanation marks:))

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